Wednesday, August 25, 2010

asoulwatcher: being an autistic sociopath is even worse than being a sociopath.

As a desperately lonely single woman, I've spent many hours browsing OkCupid for my internet prince - enough time that I am no longer surprised any time a man is trying to lure potential mates to message him with rape jokes and misogyny. "Women are too stupid to make decisions for themselves and only date bad guys*, and that's the only reason I'm single. Message me to be treated well." Thank you for that assumption, dream man!

But I digress. The other day I found, literally, the most awful person to ever exist. If he had charisma instead of self-diagnosed Aspergers, he might even manage to throw us sheeple into concentration camps. This was most probably the hardest decision of my life: how do I not just screenshot his profile in its entirety and leave you with one question? "Why?" WHY?

Like any good feminist, I do support equality for everyone. Therefore, I have decided to separate this gentleman's feelings in three categories; why he hates men, why he hates women, and why he hates humanity as a whole. Pray for me.

Let it be known that it took 20 fucking pages to screen shot his profile.

Why asoulwatcher hates men:

 ur gay if u insult me

Why asoulwatcher hates women:

Why asoulwatcher hates humanity:

So ladies (or you dudes that only e-insult him because you want his dick), don't all message him at once! This man, who has no type (aside from the type he mentioned), is not superficial (just look exactly how he wants you to) is only in this for true love.

*bad guys: any guy that isn't them

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