Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rape is Hilarious and also a Great Ice-breaker.

For all its faults, OKCupid actually has this really great feature- you can answer a variety of multiple choice questions, pick what you'd want a potential mate to answer, and rank the question by level of importance. Furthermore, you can see how other people chose to answer said questions. This provides one with what I call a "Dickbag Filter."

Most of the time, when someone messages me on OKCupid I follow this procedure:

1) Is the message gross/horribly misspelled/sexist?

If yes, delete message/post to blog for lols.
If no, click on person's profile and see what they answered for quiz questions.

2) Do their answers to questions make it apparent that this person is a dickbag?

If no, check to see if person has beard. If person has a beard, message back.
If yes, delete message.

If answers make it PARTICULARLY apparent that this person is a dickbag, copy/paste problematic answers into message to person. Give them a chance to explain themselves.

The problem is, despite my obvious disgust for most of the men I encounter on this site, sometimes I feel like they just need to be educated on how to be a decent human being. Like, if I point out "Look, you said here that rape is awesome," a guy will magically come to his senses and say "Oh dear, I can't believe I said that. You're absolutely right and I will change my disgusting ways immediately."

This scenario never actually happens, because a key aspect of being a dickbag is a refusal of admitting wrongs and a blatant disregard of any idea that is not inherently sexist/violent/homophobic/racist/etc.

For example,

God, what a catch.

I'm getting to a point in this experiment where I just want to throw up my hands and pretend the male gender does not exist. I'm getting a bit tired of the taste of vomit.

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